Smart Technologies

About our company

Smart Technologies is a leader in transforming and securing enterprise-class IT, on a global scale. Smart Technologies sets the standard for IT deployments with advanced offerings that deliver the scale, security and reliability necessary to meet the demanding requirements of enterprises around the world.

With a team of red cape wearing professionals, Smart Technologies is helping enterprise and government executives realize the power and promise of their own investments today.









Our connections

Italy, United Kingdom, Spain, Poland, Netherlands, Mexico, Norway, France, Belgium, Ireland.

Our core features

Quality and expertise at your service

AI Managed Services

To manage IT like a business, you need tools to proactively ensure IT service reliability, while simultaneously boosting operational agility. This requires a new approach to IT infrastructure management, including the selection of an infrastructure management AI, that can meet modern IT and business requirements.

IT Consulting

The Smart Technologies outsourcing solution helps you to manage and focus on the activities of your core business, leading Smart Technologies to support and manage, in whole or in part, of your technology infrastructure organization, increasing the business efficiency.

Cyber Security

In the cyber security area, Smart Technologies aims to help companies prevent, detect and design new security approaches, reducing the risk of information breach and infrastructure exposure, applying corrective measures following market best practices. Also, our integrated security management service performs the analysis and correlation of events generated from various sources, allowing the effectiveness of security risks prevention.

IT Infrastructure Maturity Transformation

Our IT maturity model relies on a maturity assessment to identify gaps, between the As-is and future state of your IT Service Management. This assessment provides a path where you can make improvements over time to increase efficiency and cost safe approach. Our maturity assessment also provides an indication of strengths, weaknesses and a road map to follow. Having this information we will lead you to strategic decisions, such as bridging technical demands with business vision.

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